Windows Phone Sales Exceeded BlackBerry Last Quarter
By Cynthia Herbert :: 9:27 PM
Microsoft Windows Phone handsets overtook BlackBerry smartphones and became the third largest smartphone platform in the United States last quarter, according measurement firm Strategy Analytics. This was the first time that Microsoft had surpassed BlackBerry since 2006.
Because many hard-core BlackBerry fans has been waiting for the Z10, which was just announced last week, it is possible that BlackBerry might be able to recover their sales numbers a bit in the first quater of this year. However, solid Windows Phone offerings from companies like Nokia, with the 920, and HTC with the 8x
, and aggressive price points, will make this a difficult road for BlackBerry to overcome.
Statistics from AdDuplex, a promotion network for the Windows Phone OS, show that since the release of the Windows Phone 8 operating system, , there are now more active Windows Phone 8 users than Windows Phone 7 users. This is quite the achievement, considering that Windows Phone 7 has been around for over two years.
It will likely take the better part of 2013 for the numbers to shake out to see if BlackBerry can regain any market share – the BlackBerry’s new model, the Z10, will be out at the end of March.